Welcome to the official website of Dire Daze, a ttrpg system created by a dimwit for dimwits!
The reason this whole mess exists is that a friend of mine got very excited when I told him that I used to play ttrpgs back in the good 'ol days. Then a few more people got excited and we set a date for the first session. I had no other option but to come up with something to play. I looked at DnD 5e, but we all know, how "fun" that system is. Then I briefly considered several systems in the OSR movement, which is amazing, but I had a feeling that my buddies are after something else. Also, I didn't really feel like learning a new system.
So, naturally I decided to pull out a complete rulebook and world from where the sun don't shine. It was quick and sloppy work, as you might imagine with the expected result. Initially I wanted a d6 dicepool system, but that didn't work as well as I thought, so I made them buy dice sets instead.
Until the time of writing (sometime in early July 2023), we managed to persevere through 5-6 sessions with a completed adventure behind us. We're still not at the point of GM and player skill where I'd like to be, but we're getting there. I also owe a huge thank you to my players who put up with all the mistakes I make and confusing rules I write.
Anyways, I hope you'll find this little project of mine useful.